How to Stay Hydrated in Hot Humid Summer Weather at Work, Outside, and Home? | Best Safety Tips to Avoid Dehydration in Hot Weather

Staying well hydrated is essential to good health. There are certain times when we have to work harder to maintain good hydration status, e.g. B. during sports or in summer, when the loss of body fluid is greater. It is necessary to replenish them by drinking plenty of fluids and including water-rich foods in the diet. In this article SUCCESSISDECISION give you the keys to stay hydrated this summer.

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Water, the main component of the human body

Water is the main component of our body. It is essential and plays a key role in numerous biological processes that regulate our vital functions: digestion, body temperature regulation and metabolic reactions. Water is involved in the transport of nutrients between cells, helping to keep skin healthy and looking good. Because of its importance, it is necessary to drink a recommended amount of water throughout the year. Health institutions recommend a daily consumption of 1.5-2 liters of water, about 8 glasses, to compensate for the loss of fluids from basic bodily functions: breathing, sweating, urinating and defecation.

It is necessary to increase fluid intake when we engage in intense physical exertion or when it is very hot, as is the case in summer. In the summer, with the rise in temperature, the practice of more outdoor activities and the fact that we move more, we lose more fluids that need to be replenished more frequently to avoid health problems related to dehydration. : Fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating and, in short, general malaise.

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How to stay well hydrated?

 In order for our body to function properly, it is necessary to ensure correct water balance by following these basic recommendations:

 It is important to stay well hydrated when exercising outdoors and being exposed to the sun, e.g. B. when we go to the beach. The best thing is that you drink a little water to hydrate yourself when you need it.

 We must not forget the little ones who, during their daily games, forget to drink the recommended amount of fluids.

 We should avoid going out in the hottest hours. Between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. it is better to be in the shade, in cool and ventilated places. We were even able to have a siesta, a very healthy Spanish custom.

 We must avoid consuming alcoholic beverages as alcohol is dehydrating.

 When it is difficult for us to drink large amounts of water, as may be the case with the elderly or children, we can combine it with other types of liquids: infusions, shakes, soft drinks, water-rich fruits and vegetables, etc. It is important that the beverages we consume have specific nutritional profiles that help us maintain this water balance in the body. We can find healthy and tasty drinks on the market that will help us hydrate at this time; for example pure coconut water.

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Native coconut water, a healthy alternative

This water is extracted from the green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) shortly before the fruit pulp is formed and contains such interesting electrolytes as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium in summer. Consumed daily and appreciated in coconut producing countries, this water can be consumed as is as its taste is excellent, or combined in smoothies, added to any drink or even used to make sauces.

It can be taken at any time of the day and is ideal for compensating for losses after exercise or heavy sweating.

Coconut water is one of the purest and most exotic foods that nature offers us. Coconut water quenches our thirst, is very refreshing and a very nutritious food. Provides a large amount of regenerating mineral salts. Virgin coconut water contains five essential electrolytes: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium. A natural way to get vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6), amino acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients. In fact, coconut water can be a natural alternative to processed sports drinks. In the following table we show you the differences in the nutrient content of two well-known sports drinks and coconut water (value per 100g). Aside from these nutrients, coconut water contains 18 amino acids not found in sports drinks, the most important being glutamic acid, aspartic acid, arginine, and leucine. (Source: ANSES French Agency for Food, Environment and Labour

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